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Bottle Caps with Single Character - Page 13 from 45

10778: / 10779: Toffee Apple/ 5739: Cocio/ 10564: / 3740: /
3710: / 9343: Türk Kizilayi/ 9344: Türk Kizilayi/ 1219: / 28: /
3560: Emsland Quelle Mineralwasser/ 7414: / 2096: Emsland Quelle Mineralwasser/ 10316: / 7825: /
6865: / 73: /Harboes 4137: Milk product - Nutricia Fristi/ 7420: / 7419: /
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Bottle Cap
Nr. Country Brand Comment
10778 10778 United Kingdom   newBulmer Cider
10779 10779 United Kingdom Toffee Apple newBrothers Cider
5739 5739 Denmark Cocio  
10564 10564 Austria   new 
3740 3740 Italy    
3710 3710 Italy    
9343 9343 Turkey Türk Kizilayi  
9344 9344 Turkey Türk Kizilayi Mineralwater
1219 1219 Italy    
28 28 Russia    
3560 3560 Germany Emsland Quelle Mineralwasser  
7414 7414 Belgium   maybee Gini. There was an A and E cap on a special bottle with adam and eve on it
2096 2096 Germany Emsland Quelle Mineralwasser  
10316 10316 Ukraine   new 
7825 7825 Italy    
6865 6865 Russia   alcopop
73 73 Denmark    
4137 4137 Netherlands Milk product - Nutricia Fristi  
7420 7420 Germany    
7419 7419 Germany    

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Last Change: 13.06.2024